Estudio en torno de las funciones y estructura del Banco de México: reflexiones sobre los instrumentos legales que orientan el mercado financiero y la proyección de su naturaleza jurídica autónoma.

AutorLuis Figueroa Díaz
CargoProfesor Investigador de tiempo completo del Departamento de Derecho, UAM-A.
Estudio en tor no de las funciones y estr uctura del Banco de México:... pp. 59-76
Estudio en torno de las funciones y estructura
instrumentos legales que orientan el mercado
Luis Figueroa Díaz*
  
   
  
    
    UA M-A .
This article a nalyzes the legal independent
nature of the bank in Me xico and the use
of its legal instru ments on the management
of monetary polic y in the country. It is
developed an over view of the historical
evolution of the mon ey functionality, the
  
of money. In this context w e analyze the
  
policy that have ex celled in their uses
because of their im portance to the
development of polic ies that encourage
the expansion of th e global model. Finally,
under this premi se conditioning its action,
the article propo ses the hypotheses to
project the autonomy of th e bank in
Mexico, especially th e ones regarding its
relationship with t he Federal executive
branch and the one tha t is related to
the debt managemen t in the context of
Mexican fede ralism.
 
  
del Banco de México y el empleo de sus
  
 
 
  
 
  
  
  
empleo por su impor tancia con el desarrollo
 
 
  
 
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  
 
 
marco del federali smo mexicano.
ALEGATOS 80.indd 59 28/05/2012 09:33:58 a.m.
60 alegatos,
Sección Doctrina
El estudio de la política monetaria y crediticia es un te ma que implica el análisis
   
 
 
    
    
           
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dinero y el préstamo.
   -
    
        -
     
 
     -
      
           
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  Las vicisi tudes del derecho eco nómico en México a parti r de 1917,
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xico,       
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   
 Títulos y contr atos de crédito, quiebra -
    
      
   
ALEGATOS 80.indd 60 28/05/2012 09:33:59 a.m.

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