Abortion in public international law and comparative perspectives: approaches and challenges

AutorDorothy Estrada Tanck
CargoDoctora en Derecho por el Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia. Profesora de derecho internacional público y relaciones internacionales de la Universidad de Murcia, España. Colaboradora invitada del proyecto 'Derechos Humanos y Justicia Internacional' de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, México
Ciencia Jurídica
Universidad de Guanajuato
División de Derecho, Política y Gobierno
Departamento de Derecho
Año , núm. 
P. 
Fecha de recepción: 22 de febrero 2018
Fecha de aprobación: 20 de marzo de 2018
El aborto en el derecho internacional público y la perspectiva
comparada: enfoques y retos
Abstract: is article will map and analyze the main trends that public international law,
comparative law and transnational perspectives have followed when approaching the issue
of abortion. It will examine the way in which the legal argumentation and interpretation is
constructed , the approximations and criteria legal scholar s, legislators and courts have adopted in
selecting the points of compari son, as well as the varied subjects, r ights and social values that enter
under scrutiny when coping with thi s matter. It will do so under the main referential framework of
international human rights law and doctrine, a s an approach through which academic outlooks,
legislative positions and practical instances regarding abor tion can be studied, con sidering the
universal values and objectives which se rve as the foundation of such rights.
Keywords : Abortion, internationa l law, comparative perspec tive, human rights, women’s rights
Resumen: En este artículo se realizará una proyección y un análi sis de las principales tendencia s
que el derecho internaci onal público, el derecho comparado y las perspectiva s transnacionales han
seguido al abordar el tema del abo rto. Examinará la forma en que se construye l a argumentación e
interpretación jurídic a, las aproximaciones y cr iterios que los juristas, le gisladores y tribunales h an
adoptado al selecciona r los puntos de comparación, así como los variado s temas, derechos y valores
sociales que entran en esc rutinio cuando se hace frente a este a sunto. Lo hará primordialmente bajo
el marco referencial del derec ho internacional de los derechos humanos, como un enfoque a t ravés
del cual las postura s académicas, las instancia s legislativas y las visiones práctic as sobre el aborto
pueden estudiarse , teniendo en cuenta los valores y objetivos universale s que sirven de fundamento
a tales derechos.
Palabras clave: aborto, derecho internacion al público, perspectiva comparada, derechos humanos ,
derechos de las mujeres
I. Introduction
From a review of the way in which academics construct international legal analysis and com-
parative and transnational examinations of the law, it can be observed that there are dierent
* Doctora en Derecho por el Ins tituto Universitario Eu ropeo de Florencia. Profes ora de derecho internaciona l
público y relaciones internac ionales de la Universidad de Murcia, España. C olaboradora invitada del proyecto
“Derechos Humanos y Justic ia Internacional” de la Facultad d e Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Tlax-
cala, México.
Libro CJ 13.indb 7 25/06/18 10:38
CienCia JurídiCa. Departamento de Derecho. División de Derecho, Política y Gobierno, Universidad de Guanajuato - Año 7, No. 13, 2018
Dorothy Estrada Tanck
approaches, methodologies and prioritizations being carried out. Some scholars analyze pu-
blic international law directly considering the classical sources of treaties, custom and general
principles of law, as well as jurisprudence and doctrine inuencing international law-making;
others deal with the question of diverse national, regional or local legislations relating to a spe-
cic branch of law or thematic issue; and even others review the similarities and divergences
between various national Constitutions and legal systems. Some scholars look at distinct legal
systems coexisting in a same country (i.e. common law and civil law) or dierent legislations
within a federal or decentralized legal structure; and others examine dierent legal traditions,
schools of thought, means of legal reasoning, modes of practice, forms of interpretation, or legal
is article will map and analyze the main trends international law, comparative law and
transnational perspectives have followed when approaching the issue of abortion, the way in
which the legal argumentation and interpretation is constructed, the approximations and cri-
teria legal scholars, legislators and courts have adopted in selecting the points of comparison,
as well as the varied subjects and rights that enter under scrutiny when coping with this matter.
It will do so under the central referential framework of international human rights law and
In carrying out this examination, not only the work of international, transnational and com-
parative legal academics and practitioners is considered, but also an exercise of comparison
itself is performed in an attempt to deepen the understanding of the way in which dierent
international and national jurisdictions have dealt with this sensitive topic.
II. International and transnational legal analysis on abortion
1. Sources, contents and methodologies
e legal academic writing on issues concerning abortion is generally carried out through cons-
titutional analysis, that is, the critical study of the normative provisions of a set of Constitutions
(or legislations of a fundamental order), on the one hand, or of the judicial decisions of Supre-
me Courts, Constitutional Courts or other similar bodies with competences of constitutional
interpretation, on the other; or lastly, a combination of both of these juridical phenomena. is
can be done by means of analyzing Supreme Court cases or legislations related to dierent states
within a federal system as in the United States, Mexico or Switzerland, or as is most frequently
S, Ian (editor, ), Abortion: the Supreme Cour t decisions , 1965-2007, Imprint Indianapolis, Hack ett
Publishing Co.,  rd edition, U.S.A.; and Taub, Nadine (), “Time limits of abort ion”, in Reproductive Laws for
the 1990s, Sherrill C ohen and Nadine Taub (editors), Human Press, Clion, New Jersey, USA, pp. -.
La Suprema Corte d e Justicia y el derecho a la vida , Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Pena les, México, .
E, Albin and Hans-Georg Koch (), Abortion an d the Law. From International Comparison to L egal Poli-
cy, T.M.C. Asser Pre ss, e Hague, e Netherlands , p. .
Libro CJ 13.indb 8 25/06/18 10:38

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